Zubdat Kashf al-Mamalik wa Bayan al-Turuq wal-Masalik in a Seminar at the Center

Zubdat Kashf al-Mamalik wa Bayan al-Turuq wal-Masalik in a Seminar at the Center

In a cultural seminar organized by the center, Professor Ayman Fouad Said gave a lecture on his latest revised book entitled "Zubdat Kashf al-Mamalik wa Bayan al-Turuq wal-Masalik". The book, was written by Ghars al-Diyn Khalil Ibin Shahin Al-Dhaheri (d. 873 AH/ 1486 AD) and published by the French Institute for Oriental Archaeology. The lecturer explained that he edited the book based on three manuscript copies that were unknown and did not previously attract the attention of researchers, in spite of their historical importance. He pointed out that the book was issued in two large volumes that contain extensive historical information on Egypt at the Mameluke era.

He stated that his edition of the book is a summarization of Ibn Shahin's book "Zubdat Kashf al-Mamalik wa Bayan al-Turuq wal-Masalik". He pointed out that he summarized it to be a guide for State's officers and to those interested in political and diplomatic questions, stating that he additionally provided many historical details on events he had personally witnessed, especially that he had hold a number of administrative positions in the State and was well-informed about its documents. This made his book a significant historical revelation of the history of the Mameluke Egypt, as he belongs to the Awlad al-Nas class; vis the sons of Mamluks' class who were born free in Egypt, a class to which a large number of historians such as Ibn Taghri-Birdi, Ibn Iyas, and others belonged.


A Delegation from the National Records and Archives Authority in Oman Visits the Center

A Delegation from the National Records and Archives Authority in Oman Visits the Center

On Wednesday, 22nd January 2025, a delegation from the National Records and Archives Authority in Oman, headed by His Excellency Dr. Hamad Bin Mohamed Al Dawyani visited the center accompanied by His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Abdullah al-Buainain, the executive director of the National Archives of Qatar, where they discussed Arab archives, mutual collaboration, and the current development in this field. They also exchanged prints and publications.


Muteferriqa: Ottoman and Turkish Studies Discovery Portal

Muteferriqa: Ottoman and Turkish Studies Discovery Portal

Join us as we explore the archive of the Mufarka Center for Ottoman and Turkish Studies in a special event featuring the Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies and the Turkish Cultural Center in Doha. The session will include Dr. Ozan Cihan, Director of the Mufarka Center, as the speaker, and will be moderated by Dr. Ahmed Oysal.

Date: Monday, December 16
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Platform: Zoom

We look forward to having you join us!
Register here:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvcOqhrz8qGdYp58ZMUm5cegRgB1OBc7IP


Arabian Gulf and the Ottoman Archive

Arabian Gulf and the Ottoman Archive

The center organized a seminar entitled "Arabian Gulf and the Ottoman Archive". The lecture delivered by Professor Idris Bustan, a professor of Ottoman maritime history at Istanbul University. The lecturer was introduced by Dr. Ahmed Uysal, the director of the Turkish Cultural Center in Doha. The lecture highlighted the importance of the Ottoman Archive in Topkapı Sarayı, Dolmabahçe Palace, and Yıldız Palace in writing the history of the Arabian Gulf in general, and the history of Qatar in particular, for the Arab region was under Ottoman rule for more than four centuries. Hence, this archive is an essential, necessary, and important source for writing its history. The lecturer clarified that the various classifications of the archive, especially particularly the Registers of Missions, Naval Registers, Registers of Firmans, and Registers of Medals, contain information related to Arabia, the Gulf, and Qatar, as the Ottoman engagement in the region began early; dated back to 1534, and their presence remained nominal until the campaign of Midhat Pasha in 1871.

This campaign reestablished the Ottoman presence in the region. This brought Ottomans into conflict with the British in the Arabian Gulf, for the British had established their presence since concluding protection treaties with the Sheikhs of the Gulf in 1820. The Ottoman presence continued until the defeat of their empire in the First World War and their withdrawal from the region. At the conclusion of the seminar, the lecturer reviewed some of the correspondence that were exchanged between Sheikh Jasim Bin Hamad Bin Thani, ruler of Qatar (1878-1913) who assumed the position of Kaymakam of the Ottoman district of Qatar from 1871 until his death in 1913. He exchanged corresponded with Abdul Hamid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and with the Porte. These correspondences show the importance of Qatar in the Ottoman strategy in the Arabian Gulf region.


 Kingdom of Ma

Kingdom of Ma'in in the Jawf of Yemen…Its International relations and Historical Role

The center organized a scientific seminar entitled "Kingdom of Ma'in in the Jawf of Yemen…Its International Relations and Historical Role". In the lecture, Professor Mounir Arbach, Professor at the National Center of Scientific Research at   Lyon University, France, and member of the Editorial Board of "Athirat Magazine". The lecture was introduced by Professor Mohammed Maraqten, editor-in-chief of "Athirat Magazine". The lecture aims at highlighting the ancient civilizations of Arabia. The lecturer explained that Arabia witnessed, in the early first millennium BC., radical and significant changes with transforming from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. These were represented in domesticating camels, which played a major role in flourish of the trade of Frankincense and Incense, using alphabetic Script in recording events, the emergence of Political entities in the north and south of Arabic, south Yemen, and Jawf of Yemen. He mentioned that in the eighth century BC., there were five independent microstates: Ma'in, Haram, Inbba, Kamna, and Nashan. Ma'in tribe was an independent one, just as other tribe in Jawf of Yemen. The tribe was in allay with Nashan and Sheba. It had its own pantheon. It played a major role in the trade of Incense due to its geographical position; therefore, it allied also with the two tribes of Najran Oasis; Amir and Mahamar. This incited kings of Sheba to launch a military campaign against Ma'in and its allies in Najran Oasis, but this campaign couldn't prevent Ma'in Kingdom from controlling the trade of Incense. Furthermore, it established trading stations in the village of Faw and in Al-‘Ula in Northern Arabia. The traders of Ma'in reached as far as Gaza, Tyre, Sidon, Egypt, and Delos Island in Greece. They traded also with Mesopotamia and with the civilizations Magan and Dilmun in Eastern Arabia. The Ma'in Kingdom collapsed at the hands of the Romans during their campaign against Southern Arabia in the year 25 BC., thus this kingdom vanished from the political scene.



The Eastern Gulf Coast and its Arabs: Their Live and Migrations from the Perspective of History and Social Sciences

The Eastern Gulf Coast and its Arabs: Their Live and Migrations from the Perspective of History and Social Sciences

On Saturday and Sunday (11-12) October 2025, Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies will organize, in partnership with the The Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies Unit at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, a conference entitled “The Eastern Gulf Coast and its Arabs, their Lifestyles and Migrations: From the View Point of History and Social Sciences”.

The conference will discuss the topic of the Eastern Coast of the Gulf in terms of geography, demography, and history, which is perhaps one of the most complicated topics in studying of the region and its history.

There is scarcity in the literature of this field, although it is a topic closely related to Gulf studies, and not outside the topic.

The complexity is evident starting from the name of the geographical region, through drawing of its geographical borders clearly, to realizing the interaction, influence, and impact between the western and eastern coasts of the Gulf. In fact, historical exploration reveals that the chief cities of the eastern coast had an impact on events and facts at the core of the political reality on the western coast.

 Due to the significant research importance of the topic of the Eastern Gulf Coast, the Arab Center and the Hassan Bin Mohammed Center agreed to expand the research on it through an academic conference, whose research papers will be complied as a book later.

The two centers invite specialized and interested researchers to contribute research papers that deals with this topic, or some of its aspects, in accordance with the focuses outlined in the background paper, and to submit research proposals according to the following regulations:
1. The Scientific Committee receives research papers proposals (about 500 words) including the problem, a summary of previous literature, the basic hypothesis/thesis, the methodology, and main references and sources, by no later than Saturday December 21, 2024.
2. The proposal to be submitted with a high-quality photo and an updated biography (100 words) containing the titles of researches completed by the researcher in the fields related to the topic of the conference (if any).
3. The proposal, the above requirements, and any other correspondence, to be addressed to the following two emails:
4. The Scientific Committee is committed to reply to the proposals, accepting or rejecting them, by no later than Thursday, January 23, 2025.
5. The Scientific Committee receives the full researches (approximately 5000-9000 words, including footnotes and references) for the accepted proposals, in a manner appropriate for arbitration and adhering to the formal and objective research specifications adopted by the Arab Center, by no later than Saturday, June 14, 2025.
6. The Scientific Committee’s approval of the proposal does not mean immediate approval of the research’s participation in the conference, unless this committee approves the full research paper after its completion. The Scientific Committee shall inform the researcher of its decision.
7. The organizer shall cover the expenses of transportation and accommodation. No reward shall be awarded for any research presented at the conference. The researches shall be considered an intellectual property of the Arab Center and the Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies.
8. The researcher may write the research paper in Arabic or English.
9. The conference proceedings shall be published in an Arabic book issued by the Arab Center and the Hassan Bin Mohammed Center.


The Center Participates in Katara Book Fair

The Center Participates in Katara Book Fair

The center participated with a special pavilion in the second edition of Katar Book Fair. The fair is organized by Katara Cultural Village Foundation as part of the cultural evenest accompanying the tenth edition of Katara Festival for Arabic Novel (13-20 October).

The center's pavilion displayed its academic publications: selections from the documents of Bombay Government, " Majmo’a al-Fadail", "Sabayek al-Asjad", and the series of the volumes of the project of Qatar and Gulf States in the Indian Archives (Delhi). It is a project of translating previously unknown document, kept in the Indian Archive, into Arabic. These documents are published in partnership with Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press. The pavilion also displayed a complete series of the issues of Rewaq of History and Heritage Journal, which gives intellectuals an opportunity to access historical studies and research published in its all issues.


The Research of the General Supervisor of the Center Receives the Award of the Association of History and Archeology

The Research of the General Supervisor of the Center Receives the Award of the Association of History and Archeology

The researcher Mohamed Hammam Fekri, the general supervisor of Hassan Bin Mohamed Center for Historical Studies, won the award of Dr. Abdullah Al-Ali Al-Naim, in its seventh session, for his research entitled "Qatar in the Writings of Western Travelers, Political Agents, and Missioners (1801-1959)".The award is granted with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Association of History and Archeology for The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

The winning research has been contributed during the 22nd forum of the Association of History and Archeology for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. It was organized by Ibn Khaldon for Humanities and Social Studies Center and hosted by Qatar University in May of Last year, under the title of "States of the Cooperation Council, their History and Antiquities through Ages", and with the participation of more than 170 scholar and historian of the Council's States and a number of academicians, researchers, and students, in order to raise awareness about the history of the region and paying attention to its Antiquities through ages.


The Center Issues the Third Volume of Delhi Documents

The Center Issues the Third Volume of Delhi Documents

In collaboration with Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press for Printing, Publishing, and Distribution, the center issued the third volume of the series of translating the British Documents preserved in the Indian archive under the title "Qatar and Arab Gulf States in the Documents of the Indian Archive. This volume covers a historical period from 1876 to 1881 and deals with various historical topics, events experience at the tme by Arab Gulf States, and their relations with regional and international powers such as British Government, British India Government, and the Ottoman Porte.

The center's interest in translating these documents comes from its pursuits to provide researchers and those who are interests in the history of Qatar and Arab Gulf States with various historical sources. It seeks to open new horizons for them, so that they may familiarize themselves with documents that contain various perspectives and narratives on the historical events in the region and the successive international powers that played a significant part in shaping its history.


The center published the 14th issue of Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine

The center published the 14th issue of Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine

The center published the 14th issue of Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine. It includes a number of academic researches that emphasize its vision in presenting novel ideas and studies. In the first and second articles, titled "Utubi Migration and the Rise and Development of Zubarah" and "The Strategic Site of Qatar and Salafi Influence on the Arabian Gulf Coast", Professor Hassan Bin Mohamed Bin Ali Al-Thani resumes his exploration of aspects of Qatar's modern history. He confirms that Eastern Arabia has witnessed, since the mid-seventeenth century, migration of groups of Najdi tribes from the hinterland to the Gulf coast in pursuit of trade and pearl diving. In historical sources, they were referred to as the Utub. These groups established sheikhdoms on the coast and formed states in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar.

He mentions that after the Fall of Bani Khalid State, the region witnessed expansion of the Salafi influence over areas that were under the Bani Khalid State, including the coast of the Gulf. This led regional powers weaken that unrestrained power, resulting in a state of disturbances in the Arabian Gulf, Oman Coast, and Eastern Arabia.

In his article, titled "Sayyid Abdul Jalil Al-Tabtawi and His Grandsons and Their Relations with the Scholars of Their Time", Professor Abdul Latif bin Nasser Al-Humaidan explores the influence of this family on the events of the region under the Utubi, Saudi, Al Khalifa of Bahrain, and Al-Sabah of Kuwait influence, as well as on their interactions with Ottoman Muttasalim in Basra. He concludes his article by highlighting their involvement in the events of Az Zubayr, Basra, and Kuwait.

In his article, titled "The Mamluk Fighter between Rise and Fall (1250-1517)", Professor Ahmed Abdel Razek Abdel Aziz points out that the fighter was raised under Harsh conditions. The Author takes us to experience their live since childhood and then their ascent to power; including their victories, setbacks, ambitions, struggles and methods of governance.

In his article, "Deciphering the Craft's Codes (Ancient Chemistry): Heritage Writings in the Terminology of this Science", Professor Lutfullah Qari emphasizes that this craft (Ancient Chemistry) was a discipline that combined practical and theoretical treatment pertaining to it. It was divided into two types: one whose practitioners aimed at transforming cheap metals into gold; and one whose practitioners made use of the experiments of the first party in chemical processes and applied them in useful handicrafts such as manufacturing metal painting materials, ceramics, perfumes, preparing compound medicines. The practitioners of the first type used vague technical terms in order to conceal their meanings from the reader, so that only the practitioners themselves could understand them. Chemists from both types wrote works interpreting vague terms with hidden meanings for the first type, or terms of the tools, operations, and substances used in experiments for the second type. The article gives a brief description of ten heritage writings, some of which have been examined in researches published in the West in German, French and English, while four of them are being introduced for the first time.


Honoring the Center as a Civil Society Institution on World Archive Day

Honoring the Center as a Civil Society Institution on World Archive Day

As part of the celebrations of the Qatar National Archives on World National Day, which falls on 9 June of each year, the center was honored as a civil society institution having a supportive role for academic research focus on Qatar's history, heritage, and identity, and having an archive abundant with documents that preserves the Qatari memory, on which researches and historians rely in writing Qatar's history.


The center participates in the Qatar University Book Fair

The center participates in the Qatar University Book Fair

The center participated in the second edition of the Qatar University Book Fair, which was held in the Student Affairs Building on the campus. Sponsored by the university and Qatar University Press, from January 28 to February 1, 2024.

The Center’s participation came within the framework of its keenness to be present in universities and academic research centers to introduce its publications of translated documents and verified manuscripts. In addition to the Journal of History and Heritage, the scientific periodical is published by the Center twice a year.


The Center organizes a symposium on the Awam Temple considering archaeological discoveries.

The Center organizes a symposium on the Awam Temple considering archaeological discoveries.

The center hosted Dr. Muhammad Marqatan, a researcher at the Brendan Borg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin - Germany, where he gave a lecture on the Awam Temple (Muharram of Bilqis), near Ma'rib in Yemen, considering recent archaeological discoveries. This temple is considered the most important temple in the Arabian Peninsula. The lecturer reviewed the most important archaeological discoveries and inscriptions in the temple, where parts of the temple and hundreds of inscriptions were uncovered, many of which the lecturer documented in the field, during the excavations of the American Foundation for the Study of Man between the years 1998-2006, and Ma’rib was a holy city in the State of Sheba. The Awam Temple (Muharram Bilqis) in ancient Yemen played an important role as a pilgrimage center, and people came from all over Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula to visit, ask for intercession and protection from the main Sabaean God, the god Almqa, and to perform Hajj. The lecturer participated in ten seasons of Awam Temple excavations and published many of them. The Awam Temple contains a huge "library" of Sabaean inscriptions that includes about 800 inscriptions, which trace their origins to this temple. These inscriptions are considered the most important source for studying the history of ancient Yemen, and an important source for studying the history of the Arabs before Islam.


Sustainability in the field of publishing and writers

Sustainability in the field of publishing and writers

The Center, in cooperation with the Qatari Forum for Publishers and Distributors and the Read and Rise Initiative, organized a symposium entitled “Sustainability in the Field of Publishing and Books,” presented by the Omani novelist Ahmed Al-Alawi, where Dr. Saif Al-Hajri spoke, explaining that sustainability is important for all environmental natural resources, as humans are left behind on the earth, and demands By preserving the resources it contains, which are necessary for the continuation of his life, and for this reason the waste of resources must be reduced, whether in printing and publishing books or other things, and printing them in limited copies as needed.

Mohamed Hammam Fikry spoke about publishing and environmental sustainability, explaining that the book industry has an impact on the environment, because it leads to the cutting down of trees. Statistics indicate that there are more than 32 million trees annually that are cut down to turn them into books. One tree is enough to print 25 books. If, according to UNESCO estimates, what is published in the Arab world annually is about 2 million and 200 thousand books globally, which amounts to 4 million new titles every year after adding the production of the authors themselves and children’s books, which makes book production have a significant impact on the environment, and thus He believes that only what is worth publishing should be planned for the market need, printing books in limited copies and according to need, looking for alternatives to papers extracted from trees, using recycled papers, reducing the size of the book, using less bulky papers, and encouraging audio and electronic books.

Finally, Mr. Reyad Ahmed Saleh, Director of the Qatari Forum for Publishers and Distributors, spoke and explained the importance of the book as a transmitter of knowledge, and the importance of the forum as a platform that brings together publishers and distributors in the State of Qatar, and that the goal of the symposium is to come up with new ideas that help achieve sustainability in the field of book printing and publishing, and that recommendations The symposium will be taken seriously in order to formulate recommendations to the decision maker. In order to adopt it in order to achieve sustainability commensurate with the environmental resources in the State of Qatar.


Release of Volume II of Delhi Documents

Release of Volume II of Delhi Documents

In the context of the center's project to translate and make available the documents related to the history of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf countries in various archives, the project began with the publication of "Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government". Subsequently, the first volume of "Selections from the National Archives of Delhi" was published, covering the period between 1871 and 1840. The second volume of this series was issued in collaboration with Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press. This volume contains translations of documents pertaining to Qatar and the Arabian Gulf countries, as well as their relations with various international, regional, and local powers during the period between 1875 and 1872, as described in the reports of the Government of British India. These reports include correspondence, telegraphs, and communications exchanged between Residents, Agents, and Commandants of Indian Navy ships and their chiefs at the Ministry of State for India and the British Foreign Office. They also contain letters from the region's Sheikhs and traders, reflecting aspects of their affairs, reactions, and interactions with significant events, as some of them participated in or witnessed these occurrences. Therefore, the volume covers a variety of topics, including political, military, economic, social, and others.

This volume covers a vital period in the history of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf, which began with the advent of the Ottoman campaign in the region in 1871. It explains the attitude of British authorities in the Gulf towards the arrival of the Ottomans, as the Ottoman forces entered Al-Ahsa and Qatif at the request of Abdullah Bin Faial Bin Turki to support him against his brother. Subsequently, an Ottoman garrison was stationed in Qatar. These documents describe the British fears regarding the Ottoman consideration of attaching Bahrain, and the issuance of directions by the British Government to refer the issue to arbitration. These concerns intensified especially after Saud Bin Faisal resorted to Bahrain, the movements of Ottoman ships in Gulf waters, and the dispatch of soldiers and provisions from Basra and Kuwait to Ottoman garrisons in Al-Ahsa, Qatif, and Qatar. Additionally, the documents cover the movements of some Ottoman forces from Najd to Hijaz.Moreover, these documents also reveal the British attitude towards the Ottoman presence and the attitudes of the region's rulers towards the Ottomans, particularly Sheikh Jasim Bin Mohamed Bin Thani, who supported the Ottoman presence due to his Islamic creed and his desire to rid Qatar of British imperial interests. Furthermore, the documents in this volume highlight the phases of the collapse of the second Saudi State


"Alternative Memory of the Silent Mass" Topic of a seminar

"Alternative Memory of the Silent Mass" Topic of a seminar

Within the framework of the program of its seminar, the center organized an academic meeting, on Saturday, 3 June 2023, under the title "Alternative Memory of the Silent Mass: Ten Years of the History of a Girl (1800-1810)".

 The lecturer Professor Nasser Suleiman, professor of Modern and Contemporary Social History at Qatar University, began the meeting by asking the following question: how can we look for an alternative memory that allows us to recollect the authentic story of a girl, and prompt her to express herself? Or rather, how can we interrogate her even through the words of those who luckily left us a collection of documents? Those documents constitute a reference that we can use to discover many features of the life of that silent group, and to deal with it according to a critical methodical vision. A vision that places the silent in a context wider than the development of the events associated with them, which makes their story the story of society itself, thus the changes they experienced in their short life become an apparent reflection of a larger change in their society.   

In this methodical context, he touched on ten years of the life of a girl called "Mary Distan" who had mixed Egyptian, Greece and French origins, and who had most importantly been associated with a significant event: Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign to the East (1798-1801). This was a transitional event that constituted a turning point in the East-West relations. The new about the story of "Mary Distan" is that she herself was the product of that event, and it was she who wrote an unknown chapter of the story of Bonaparte's campaign; one that we did not imagine or know about through the Egyptian or French literature. A new chapter whose events took place after the withdrawal of Bonaparte's defected army to France in the later 1801.  

The main conflict of "Mary Distan"'s story was formed in France not in Egypt -as she never saw or visited it; however, Egypt was present in all the elements of the events. The issue of "Mary Distan" was presented in front of French judges and caused them a major challenge while they were discussing and writing the minutes of the story of this girl; a story that formed a problem before the law.  Her story stimulated their motivations to call for the necessity of enacting a new special law pertaining to her case, so that the rights of a generation representing her, or she representing them in her distressing experience, may not be lost. A generation that was the outcome of a colonial wave within societies that were the victim of occupations. The irony here is that the French judges dealt with the problem of this generation from the prospective of justice and humanity, away from the cruelty of the black history colonialism, admitting that it will persist in its foreign expansion, according to interests of the French and European powers, which became a constant reality. This drove them to call the French judicial system to enact a legislation that protect a generation that was born and will be born from the linage of the French soldiers and officers who consorted with the women of the colonies, so what France and its legislations can do in the face of this new challenge?

Away from courtroom, the most significant moral in the story of "Mary Distan" was associated with the awareness of her mother "Anonah" (the Egyptian spelling registered in her answers) or "Anna" (her official name in the French courts). A mother who possessed what we call an alternative memory; a memory that protected her daughter -who grew up along with the development of the issue itself before the court- since she carried her for the first time, when she was an infant of no more than few months of age, to present her case, until she grew up to the age of 10; that is the period of the case. Thus, the last words of "Mary Distan" before the court were: "this is my father whom you deny. If he were alive, he would shout at your face revealing my truth. I am his daughter". Her shout, a blend of sorrow and resentment, was like a gauntlet cast into the face of French society, whose national motto rings hollow with promises of freedom, equality, and fraternity.


The thirteenth issue of "Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine".

The thirteenth issue of "Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine".

Hassan Bin Mohamed Center for Historical Studies has issued the thirteenth issue of "Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine". It is a refereed academic magazine specialized in history and heritage. The editorial mentions that by publishing this issue, seven years of contributions have passed since the issuance of "Rewaq of History and Heritage" Magazine. These contributions include publishing a hundred sober academic studies in history, heritage, and the history of Arab sciences. The magazine remains committed to providing high quality and modern materials, and it continues its role in academic publications, particularly as it has become an important branch of knowledge in both its electronic and paper formats. As such, the responsibility towards effective expression increases with each publication.

In this issue, Pro. Hassan Bin Mohamed Al-Thani explains how Qatar attained its stability under the struggle of powers in the Arabian Gulf area in the sixties of the nineteenth century AD., and how things culminated by signing the 1868 treaty, in addition to the Ottomans’ arrival into Qatar in the early seventies.

Prof. Jamal Mahmoud Hajar sheds light on a unique experience in the adventures of exploration in Arabia. It is the travels of the British Major “Holt” into the Northern Arabian Desert in 1923.

The researcher “Khalid GhanimAl Maadeed” reviews the military campaign of Faisal against Qatar in 1851, where he compares the varying British, Saudi, Bahraini, and Qatari accounts related to it. He clarifies the motives behind this campaign, its incidents, and its results that still affect Qatar at the current moment.

Prof. Mohamed Bin Mousa Al-Quraini deals with one of the aspects of economic life in the Ottoman Mutasarrifate of Al-Hassa at the time of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, when the Ottoman Tanzimat had been implemented, through the Ottoman documents kept in the archives of the prime ministry in Istanbul.

Prof. Mohamed Hamza Al Haddad examines the term “Riwaq” (long gallery) in Islamic architecture. He touches on the meaning of the term and its derivation, birth, and development based on linguistic sources, lexicons, and historical sources as well as the antique epigraphs and the remaining archeologicarchitecture.

Prof. Yousef Thanon introduces some Holy Quran books, kept in Qatar National Library, and had been printed in Europe and Russia, from the beginning of the printing era in the sixteenth century to the present.

Prof. Mohamed Al Bashir Razqi examines the concept of reform in the Will of the Grand vizier Fouad Pasha and its relation with the notions of nationalism, racialism, right, and equality. He refers to the Grand vizier’s awareness of the danger of the political and social designs threatening the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century.


Nonlinearity in Historical Writings, Topic of a Seminar in the Center

Nonlinearity in Historical Writings, Topic of a Seminar in the Center

On Saturday, May 21, 2023, the center organized an academic seminar. During the seminar, researcher Khalid Bin Ghanim Al Maadeed introduced the nonlinear method in historical writings. He mentioned that many historians used to employ the linear method, which was the accepted approach for writing historical events. This method is based on analytical narrative descriptions in writing history and interpreting the historical events they deal with in their writings. It focuses on the direct elements of events and relies on an analytical approach that may not connect all elements together. Starting his topic, the lecturer posed several questions such as: can we develop a different methodology capable of analyzing matters in a more complex and diverse manner, without relying on simplifying historical events and focusing solely on their direct elements? Is there a way that is better suited for studying humanities and social sciences, employing a higher level of thinking? This implies transitioning from the linear method to a nonlinear one, which involves a non-simplified approach that re-evaluates events based on their direct and potential elements. This relies to a large extend on the researcher's potentials and his ability to establish connections between them.

In reply to those questions, the lecturer stated that issues of humanities and social sciences are highly intricate systems, as they arise from a complex interdependent relationship between individuals and the subjects of study. Moreover, the phenomenon of humanities and social sciences are multifaceted, with numerous overlapping factors, making it impossible to isolate a single element as the most influential. The lecturer believes that we lack a methodology to effectively analyze and unravel these complexities, rather than understanding them. We need a methodology whose complicity matches with the complexities of the issues into which humanities and social sciences look. He noted that the suggested methodology may not provide the definitive solution, but it could prove to be valuable in supporting researchers in their studies within the field of humanities and social sciences. Therefore, he believes that this methodology has the potential to be beneficial in such studies.

The lecturer then proceeded to discuss the complicated systems, their constituent elements, the nature of relationships between them, and the accompanying features, where he reached the conclusion that a complex system consists of numerous interconnected and diverse elements that operate both independently and interdependently. Moreover, he highlighted that such a system is self-regulating, as its internal interactions instantly produce new systems or relationships at various levels with characteristics differ from those of the interacting elements. He emphasized that this system is not static; instead, its elements are in constant interaction and contact. The system takes a network-like shape outwardly and engages and interacts with all surrounding circumstances. Furthermore, it is accompanied by a state of chaos that facilitates the emergence of new systems or relationships. Finally, by applying this approach to the campaign of Feisal Bin Turki against Qatar in 1851, he sought to answer the question: how can the suggested methodology be advantageous in rewriting historical events? To do so, he analyzed the diverse elements involved, their interconnected relationships, and the continuous interactions between them, which resulted in in the emergence of new systems and relationships.


Philosophical Argument and Movement of Authorship in Andalusia A Seminar Topic at the Center

Philosophical Argument and Movement of Authorship in Andalusia A Seminar Topic at the Center

Professor Mohammed Saba, a visiting researcher at the center, discussed the impact of philosophical argument on the movement of authorship in Andalusia between the tenth and twelfth centuries. He said that intellectual development, understanding the teachings of Islam, making use of intellectual production of other civilizations and encouraging the academic movement by the authority of the Cult states have left a significant impact on this field. The Sunnis remain the sect that was most influential in the doctrinal, theological and philosophical aspect of argument. The difference between Islamic sects remains an important factor in motivating arguments which had a positive impact on the movement of authorship in Andalusia.

As for the phenomenon of philosophical argument, he noted that it was a specialization of scholars, since it is the most complicated type of argument. This was evident through matters and issues raised by philosophers of Andalusia during the sixth century AH/ tenth century AD, where this type of argument has transcended the matters and the roots of Islamic law, such as Fiqh and doctrine, to a more comprehensive way in introducing issues of philosophical argument to attain concurrence, in order to put an end to contradiction and quarrel between what was religious and what was philosophical. This phenomena had a positive impact on Islamic heritage.

Since philosophical argument and theological argument are interrelated, it is incumbent to distinguish between both of them. Philosophical argument is using the technique of arguing for solving philosophical issues and contradictions. It is a rational technique used to refute and discuss ideas in an intellectual logical approach. On the other hand, theological argument has to do with discussing the matters of doctrine. This was apparent in Islamic history through using this type of argument in the Mu'tazili and Ash'ari interpretations.

Furthermore, the lecturer divided the intellectual argument into three phases: jurisprudential, theological and philosophical. What distinguished this kind of argument was the production of writings that became a jurisprudential referencetaken into consideration when issuing some fatwas. The argument of jurisprudence branches emphasized the fact that religious scholars have failed to undertake the argument of the foundations. This reveals the nature of the level of Ijtihad with those scholars, which had a passive impact on Ijtihad movement that was supposed to keep pace with society's social and economic movement.

He concluded that intellectual argument is the only means that can transcend doctrinal contradictions and philosophical inquiries, whether it was jurisprudential analogy, theological argument, or a response through writing.


Rewaq of History and Heritage: 12th Issue

Rewaq of History and Heritage: 12th Issue

The center published the 12th issue of “Riwq of History and Heritage magazine”. It contains a number of sober researches.The researcher Jalal Al-Ansari looks into themurder ofRahmah Ibn Jabir al-Jalhami based on the local sources:al Tuhfa al Nabhaniyah, AqdAlalah fi Tarikh Awal, AqdAlnahrayin fi Tarikh Al-Bahrain and on the documents of the British Archive.

In an artistic, architecturalarcheologicalstudy, Professor Mohamed Enab discusses the Ottoman influences on the Islamic architecture in Yemen. This study sheds light on the aspects of Ottoman influences in designing Islamic buildings in Yemen, where the author demonstrates the form and extent of such influences.

ProfessorTaha Hussein Hadeel reviews the most known natural disasters that hit Hadhramaut during the 16th century AD such as: drought, starvation, rain, torrents and floods,winds, earthquakes, landslides, pests, and harsh weather. He also explains their political, social and economic effects.

Professor Labeed Hussein Al-Jabri explains the British attitudetoward the issue of the occupied South Arabia by reviewing the discussions that took place in the hallsofthe Houses of Commons and Lords and the negotiations of the parties in Janiva that culminated in independence.

Professor Hassan Al-Thani continues to explain the role of Qatar peninsula and its geostrategic site in the conflict of Gulf powers during the 19th century. He tracks the development of events starting from the fifties of the 19th century explaining the Saudi movement against Qatar in 1851, the attitude of the Qatari tribes, the consequences of the defeat of Faisal bin Turki at the battle of Mesaimeer.He stops at the events that paved the way for the 1868 agreement; known as “Kharab AD Doha Althani”.

Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Prantner. Dr. Abdallah Abdel-Ati Al-Naggar, and Prof. Dr.László J. Nagy have participated in preparing the English research entitled "IFJ. Miklós Horthy's Trips to Egypt in the 1930s". It deals with the visits of MIKLÓS HORTHY, son of the king of Hungary, to Egypt in the thirties of the past century. Those visits played a significant role in reviving the Egyptian Hungarian relations, and improving cooperation between both countries. The research gives a background, occurrences and results of those six visits based on reports of prominent newspapers and on documents of the Foreign Ministries in both countries. 


Lecture on the Historical Classification of Civilizations and the Standard of their Elements By prof. Khazal Al-Majidi

Lecture on the Historical Classification of Civilizations and the Standard of their Elements By prof. Khazal Al-Majidi

The center hosted Prof. Khazal Al-Majidi; a researcher of science and history of civilizations and religions to give a lecture on the historical classification of civilizations and the standard of their elements.

The symposium was supervised by Mr. Mohamed Hammam Fekri who introduced the lecturer and organized the discussions.

In the first part of the lecture, the lecturer referred to a set of necessary dates and definitions such as history, historiography, chronology, culture, civilization, and city.

In the second part, he discussed the classification of civilizations according to the scientists of cultural studies. He mentioned that there are ten types of classifications throughout history. Of these are the classification of Gustave Le Bon,WilliamDurant,Arnold Toynbee,Oswald Spengler, and Samuel Huntington. He examined each one of these classifications and referred to their pros and cons.

In the third part, he touched on the historical classification and standard of civilization that he established for writing a comprehensive and vast history of the civilizations of the world-28 civilizations- from their birth to the present.

  • Ancient civilizations (24)
  • Medieval civilizations (3)
  • Modern civilization (1) with its four stages (European, Western, Modern, and Contemporary).

He introduced all of them briefly. He divided ancient civilizations into three historical categories, and to bring his work to perfection, he established 15 elements for each civilization on the standard of civilization that is governed by the element of morals.

In the fourth part, he discussed the present and the future of civilizations and referred to the history of contemporary civilization with its Western and European roots. He described it as being morally deviant, which made it more vulnerable to collapse during every phase, and as having brought harm, occupation, and colonization to many nations and states. He thinks that this civilization faces currently the birth of multipolarity that will be led by a set of new poles, while itsAmerican unipolaritywill come to an end, where the Americal pole will be one among other poles. This will enrich this civilization with various views and visions. He expected that this polarity will serve in the future to convert the multipoles into new civilizations. These civilizations will mutually adopt science to be the basis of this huge human city as the lecturer called it.

In the fifth part, he touched on his project the “series of civilizations' history”. In terms of the plan, this project constitutes an ambitious endeavor to write a book about each one of those civilizations. These will be in a total of thirty-five books, including theoretical books, about civilizations. He has already finished the first nine books, while three of four new books will be published this year.

Attendants asked questions and conferred with the lecturer. He answered all the questions in an atmosphere of positive discussion that enriched this symposium on the history of civilizations. 


Qatar and the Arab Gulf States in the Documents of the Indian Archives

Qatar and the Arab Gulf States in the Documents of the Indian Archives

In cooperation with Hamad Bin Khalifa University Publishing House, the center issued a book entitled “Qatar and the Arab Gulf States in the Documents of the Indian Archives: Selections from the National Archives, Delhi 1840-1871.” This release comes under a project adopted by the center in order to publish a series of documentary books of selections from the Indian Archives that includes the archives of the British Indian Government who was supervising administration in the Persian Gulf as being its geostrategic depth. Hence, those documents are very important to identify conditions in the Arabian Gulf, as they contain reports of the British Political Resident, whose headquarters was located at Bushehr in the Persian Gulf, as well as the reports of his agents in Bahrain, Sharjah, Kuwait, Basra and Muscat.

This publication is complementary to a project aimed at translating and editing the British documents related to Qatar, the Arabian Gulf region and Arabia: The Center had published the translation of “Selections from the Documents of Bombay Government”. The documents included in the book cover the region’s relations with the international, regional and local powers, especially the British Government and the Government of British India;  therefore, they are considered an important source of the  sources of the history of the region because they contain reports, telegraphs  and communications exchanged between residents and agents, captains of the ships of the Indian Navy and their superiors in the Ministry of Indian Affairs British Foreign Ministry in London. They also contain the communications of the region’s sheikhs and traders. Those communications reveal their conditions, reactions and interactions with the events and the incidents they encountered, or they provide their testimonies on events that they were eyewitnesses to; therefore, their topics vary between political, military, economic, social, and others. This makes the book a significant addition to the Arab historical library in general, and the history of Qatar and the region in particular. The volume includes a detailed account of the diary of a trip by Lewis Pelly, the British Political Resident and Consul General in the Gulf, to Kuwait, Zubair, and Southern Iraq, with lists of the numbers of people, ships, houses, palm trees, exports and imports, and others.


Qatar in the Ottoman Archives

Qatar in the Ottoman Archives

A symposium entitled “Qatar in the Ottoman Archives” was organized by the center, where a lecture was delivered by Professor Suhail Saban. It was presented by Professor Jamal Hajar. The lecturer divided his symposium into three main parts. In the first part, he spoke about the Ottoman archive, its contents and its importance for writing history in general. He also gave information about the documents contained in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul and Turkey demonstrating their importance for writing some aspects of Qatar's political, economic and social history. He emphasized that the archive is full of documents, records and notebooks that serve to write Qatar’s modern and contemporary history. He pointed out that the importance of this archive comes from the fact that it contains about 150 million documents.

The lecturer thinks that the biggest challenge for researchers in the archive is the errors found in the names of places, tribes and people, in addition to the varying significance of terms and names; furthermore, the documents related to Qatari history are falling under many classifications because those who indexed and classified the archive were not familiar with the Arabic language as well as the topography of the region. Thus, those who wish to search the files of the archive should be familiar with the modern Turkish language and the Ottoman language as well as the geography of the region and the names of its tribes.

 In the second part, he refers to samples of the topics covered by the Ottoman archive documents, in particular the reign of Sheikh Jasim bin Muhammad bin Thani (1878-1913), the founder of modern Qatar.  He pointed out that the documents of the archive contain many letters sent by the Kaymakam of Qatar to the Grand Viziers, the Porte, and the Ottoman Sultan. He added that those documents serve to realize the social, economic, political and military conditions as they contain accounts about pearl trade, types of vessels used for diving, the number of people, their crafts and their incomes, the Ottoman administrative aspects, and other important topics. In the last section, the lecturer reviews samples of Sheikh Jasim’s correspondence with the Ottomans as well as samples from the reports of the Ottoman political envoys to Qatar. At the end, he comes to the conclusion that more attention should be given to the Ottoman archive by researchers, that extensive studies should be conducted about it, and that it is a very important source for writing the history of Qatar.

A Cultural Forum of the Exhibition “Treasures from Heritage of the Abdullah Al-Ghanim Museum" Collection

A Cultural Forum of the Exhibition “Treasures from Heritage of the Abdullah Al-Ghanim Museum" Collection

The General Supervisor of the Center participated in the cultural forum organized by the exhibition “Treasures from the Heritage of the Abdullah Al-Ghanim Museum" Collection on Museums and Private Museums in Qatar, where he addressed the role of “Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies” in documenting heritage and publishing scientific researches related to it. His Excellency Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani, Mr. Fadhel Al-Mansoori, owner of the collection of Islamic weapons and Jewels, and Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Bohashem Al-Sayyid, owner of the Falconry Museum, have participated in the forum. The forum was presented by Mr. Saleh Gharib and attended by a number of ambassadors and those interested in museums. The forum dealt with many important topics that interest antiquities collectors.


The Qatari private sector is an authentic partner in the cultural renaissance

The Qatari private sector is an authentic partner in the cultural renaissance

Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies
In this context, His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Hassan bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Thani, founder of the Hassan bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies, explained in exclusive statements to Qatar News Agency (QNA), that the establishment of the center in 1997 culminated in his passion for books and documents and his interest in collecting anecdotal publications and manuscripts, and the writings of travelers. Westerners who visited the Arabian Peninsula, in addition to local, English, Ottoman and other documents, and fulfilled his dream of collecting the sources of Qatar’s history from manuscripts, pictures, maps, documents and anecdotes of publications, working on translating documents, realizing manuscripts that serve the history of Qatar, and making them available through print and electronic publishing, in addition to To conduct historical and heritage research and studies.

He added: The center aims to collect and provide historical sources related to the history of Qatar and the Arabian Peninsula, collect historical oral material and drafts on the history of Qatar, acquire written historical sources for historians of the Arabian Peninsula, prepare research and historical and heritage studies, provide consultations, and provide researchers and institutions concerned with information and historical testimonies. documenting, publishing and translating historical sources related to the history of Qatar and the region, spreading awareness of Qatar’s history among new generations, and organizing specialized seminars and exhibitions.

He continued..Hassan Bin Muhammad Center works to enrich cultural, scientific and knowledge research by issuing the Journal of Rewaq History and Heritage, which is a specialized quarterly scholarly journal concerned with history and heritage, as well as publishing a number of books, which are sources for the history of the Arabian Peninsula and the Arabian Gulf, and it has brought in a number of scholars. And researchers and those interested in the history of the region to give lectures and hold symposia, including “Makki Calligraphy in the First Three Centuries as the Basis of Weighted Calligraphy”, “Qatari-Russian Relations.. Papers from the Russian Archives”, “Qatar in Documents in International Archives”, “Personal Blogs… a source for writing History, the blogs of the ruling family in Qatar as a model.

Among the Center’s publications are the book “Nur al-Dalalah by Fakhr al-Din al-Khalati.. Arithmetic Algebra in the Thirteenth Century” authored by Fakhr al-Din Abdul Aziz bin Abdul-Jabbar al-Khalati, and the book “An Article on Gout” by Abu Bakr al-Razi, and “The Book of What is the Effect that Appears on the Moon’s Face” Abu Al-Hasan bin Al-Haytham, and translation of the book “Selections from the Documents of the Bombay Government”, Volume Twenty-four relating to the Arabian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula.

The Center provides its services to the Qatari community through its publications, seminars, discussions, and through its pages on the Internet, and various social networking sites with the aim of developing awareness of Qatari history and heritage, especially among the younger generation. For a number of Qatari institutions, such as the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Day Celebrations Organizing Committee, Qatar University, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, and the Qatar Publishers Forum, and makes its library and archive available to graduate students.

Regarding the center's future projects, His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Hassan bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Thani said: The center is in the process of translating, editing and publishing collections of documents from the National Archives in Delhi - India, and documents from the Ottoman Prime Ministry archive in Istanbul - Turkey, in addition to French, Dutch and other documents, and the center also adopts A project to collect oral historical narratives from Qatari elderly people, who recount their memories of historical events and years that the people of Qatar passed through in the past.

مديرو مراكز ثقافية ودور نشر: القطاع الخاص القطري شريك أصيل في النهضة الثقافية (qna.org.qa)


Rewaq on the Channel of Qatar Forum for Authors

Rewaq on the Channel of Qatar Forum for Authors

The editor general supervisor of (Rewaq of History and Heritage) reviews the content of the last issue on the channel of Qatar Forum for Authors,during the 31st Doha International Book Fair, on Friday 21st of January 2022.

He noted that the issue begins with a research by Professor Hassan Bin Mohammed bin Ali Al-Thani, entitled (The Strategic Location of Qatar and Its Role in the Conflict of the Powers of the Gulf during the Twenties of the Nineteenth Century). In this research, he sheds light on the strategic location of Qatar and its role in the conflict of the powers of the Gulf during the second decade of the nineteenth century. He starts from the operations of Rahma Bin Jabir in the Arabian Gulf,his deathand destruction of Al-Bidaa, and he ends with the return of the Saudi influence to the region with the beginning of the third decade.

In the light of OrhanPamuk's novel  My Name is Red , and in a research entitled   Naghshkhane of Istanbul and Decoration of Manuscripts: A Reading in the Cultural History in the Light of the Novel  My Name is Red , Professor Jamal Mahmoud Hajar presents a reading in some of the aspects of the cultural history of the Ottoman Empire, at its capital Istanbul, during the sixteenth century.

In his research  Tit Ribat in Doukkala: History and Architecture . Professor Ahmed Al-Warth tells about Tit Ribat, or Al Amghar village, in Doukkala and its role in the history of Morocco from its foundation in the second half of the fourth century AH (tenth century AC) until its occupation by the Portuguese in the early sixteenth century AC.

In his research   Al Bakiriya School and Mosque at San: An Archeological and Architectural Study , Professor Mohamed Ahmad Abdul Rahman Anb discusses some problematic issues about the history of constructing Al Bakiriya School and Mosque at Sanaa in Yemen. He presents also a descriptive study of the mosque and its architectural and artistic elements.

In his research  Works and Signatures of Syro-Lebanese Pilgrims in the Monastery of Mount Sinai , Professor Mohamed Helmi Mustafa Al-Saied talks about a collection of memorial signatures and texts in the monastery of Mount Sinai. These were written by Syro-Lebanese pilgrims who passed by the monastery since its foundation in the sixteenth century until the nineteenth century AC.

In his research  Peace Between Muslims and Europeans: A Papal Covenant and a Royal Decree in Favor of Mount Zion Monastery , Professor Ali Ahmad Mohamed Al-Said sheds light on an aspect of peace between Muslims and Europeans by comparing between a papal covenant and a royal decree in favor of Mount Zion Monastery, giving the monastery exemptions and privileges as being a symbol of coexistence among religions.

In his English research   The Golden Age of the Egyptian-Hungarian Relations During the Reign of President Gamal Abdel Nasser , Professor Abdullah Abdul Ati al Najjar discusses the Golden Age of the Egyptian-Hungarian relation, during the reign of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, by shedding light on Abdel Nasser's two visits to Budapest: the canceled visit due to the Suez crisis in 1956 and the actual visit in 1958,through documenting both archives of the Egyptian and Hungarian Foreign Ministries.


Launching the Book "Zubarah the City of World Heritage"

Launching the Book "Zubarah the City of World Heritage"

His Excellency Sheikh Hassan Bin Mohamed Bin Ali Al Thani participated in launching the book entitled (Zubarah the City of World Heritage). The book was issued by Qatar Museums and Qatar University Press. It is worth mentioning that His Excellency Sheikh Hassan, besides being the general supervisor of the book, has a research entitled" Rise and Development of Zubarah: Example Zubarah: Example of the Commercial City in the Gulf". 


The Center is a Member of Qatari Publishers and Distributors Forum

The Center is a Member of Qatari Publishers and Distributors Forum

On the sidelines of the forum of modernization and Innovation, the center entered into a membership agreement with Qatari Publishers and Distributors Forum. This agreement is a part of the aspiration of the center to publish historical and cultural researches that deal with the history of Qatar and Arabian Gulf Countries. Through this membership, the center seek to cooperate with the forum by contributing to its exhibitions, conferences and seminars in order to enrich the cultural activities in the State of Qatar.


Intellectual Networks in the Modern Arab History.

Intellectual Networks in the Modern Arab History.

The center organized a seminar entitled Intellectual Networks and the Issue ofTerritorial Studies: Reframing Modern Arab History. The seminar was delivered by Dr. Amal Ghazal, professor of history and the dean of the Collage of Arts and Sciences at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.

The professor explained how she employed the method of network in historical research, in order to connect between centers andendpoints in Modern Arab History. She highlighted examples of intellectual networksin history that connected between Zanzibar, Muscat, Cairo and others. 


Photograph as a Historical Source

Photograph as a Historical Source

The center organized an academic seminar entitled Photographas a Historical Source. Dr. EsamNassar, professor of history at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, gave the seminar. Dr. Jamal Mahmoud Hajar, professor of Modern and Contemporary History, and the scientific adviser at the center, commented on it.

The lecturer discussed the importance of photographsin writing the history of many political, economic, social, and cultural historical events and occurrences, explaining the importance of reading photographsprofoundly through internal elements and an external environment, through investigating the truth and motives of the photographerand through anticipating the possibility of thembeingforged. This all requires the researcher, who relies on photographsas a historical source, to subject them to external and internal criticism before he can usethem in his writings and researches. On his turn, Dr. Jamal Hajar said that "Rewaq of History and Heritage" has earlyrealized the importance of photographs as a historical source; and since its first issue, it has focused on publishing a number of meaningful historical images.


The center participates in the activities of the Arabic Manuscript Day 202

The center participates in the activities of the Arabic Manuscript Day 202

The center participated in the activities of the Arab Manuscript Day, which falls on April 4 of each year and raises the slogan of heritage in times of epidemics, in cooperation with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Culture and Sports, and this participation comes within the framework of the center's keenness to spread interest and awareness of Arab and Islamic heritage Manuscript


The Center participated in the second session of Copenhagen International Arab Book Fair

The Center participated in the second session of Copenhagen International Arab Book Fair

The center contributed its academic issues to the Copenhagen International Arab Book Fair, in its special digital session between the 5th and 20th of October, 2020, with the participation of distinguished Arab publishers in the Arabian and European regions, through Lusail Publishing and Distribution in Qatar.


The Journalist Taysir Abdullah Visits the Center

The Journalist Taysir Abdullah Visits the Center

The journalist Taysir Abdullah visited the center and walked through its departments. He viewed some documents, manuscripts and other ancient acquisitions possessed by the center. The general supervisor of the center, Mr. Mohammed Hammam Fekri, explained to him the role played by the center in collecting sources about the history of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf, in translating the non-Arabic sources and making them available for interested researchers.



Rewaq of History and Heritage: 7th Issue

Rewaq of History and Heritage: 7th Issue

The center released the 7th issue of Rewaq of History and Heritage. It contains a number of academic and scientific researches.

Dr. Abdullah Abdul Muti introduces Dantes Divine Comedy as viewed by Arabs and Muslims. He wonders whether any new Arab Islamic sources that would help in introducing a new idea about it are available. He also questions how Arab and Muslim critics, authors and historians view the Divine Comedy and its author Dante Alighieri. He also inquires whether there are new sources, other than the commonly known ones, that Dante might have used or adopted in his most famous poem in the history of European Literature.  He says if there are new sources, so what are they, and what the evidence of its authenticity?

Dr. Mustafa Mawaldi discusses how Arab Mathematics was transferred to the Latin West and talks about the significant additions to this Science by Arab Scholars, saying that these additions led clearly to the development of Mathematics and left obvious and direct impacts on the works of the Scholars of the Renaissance. Arab Mathematics was influenced by the mathematics of ancient civilizations and had several influences on the various branches of mathematics.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Adawi deals with Notes on Some Lost Historical Books of Sabians of Harran in the Third and Fourth Centuries AH/ the Ninth and Tenth centuries AD. that were recorded by some historians of Sabians of Harran. These works were appreciated by old authors and historians, but they were lost totally or in part. He also examines some of those works characteristics- that became known through excerpts came to us from some historians and authors- and their importance in the context of historical writing at that time.

Dr.Yassin Yahyaoui traces the founding moments of the origin of new envisions about Byzantium in the first Arab writings in the early Islam era. He analyzes The Other Byzantine in early Islam: from Self-Awareness to the Production of the Imaginary, emphasizing that this historical inquiry has two orientations, for inventing the image of the Other is the beginning of self-awareness. The Prophetic biography, the way we received its historical events through the Maghaazi writings and biographies, is considered an aide to trace the emergence of the Arab ego in facing others including the Byzantine Other.

Dr. Ali Al-Sayyid deals with the role of Islamic Awqaf and Peace-Building among Peoples: the Constructive and Socio-cultural Role of the Waqf and Hospitality of Tamim Al-Dari.. He talks about establishing a charity sector in the Palestinian city of Hebron that was devoted by the companion Tamim Al-Dari to spend on the Sanctuary of Abraham and its attached accommodation. He then discusses the stages of the development of Waqf from middle ages until the Mamluk era. The building of Waqf played a significant social role and was visited by foreigners and the needy, and it accommodated Jews, Christians and Muslims.  

Dr. Hossam Abdel Muti raises many questions about Shahbandar of Cairo Traders during the Ottoman Era 923-1232 AH / 1517-1816 AD, about the factors of emergence of this position, about the mechanisms of selecting its occupant, about his relation with the governing political authority, about the role of the later in choosing the occupant of this position. History and literature are being interrelated in this study through analyzing the structure of commercial order in Cairo.

Dr. Mustafa Wajih analyzes the image of Egypt in the Eyes of Ibn Al Sabah Al Andalusi:  An Image from Economic Life at the Time of Mamluk Sultans, providing details on the Egyptians daily life- especially women- and on their ceremonies and means of living. Egypt was visited during the Islamic era by many travelers; among them was the Mudéjar Abdullah Al Sabah Al Andalusi, whose voyage was no less important- if not more- than those of former travelers.

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Historical Relations between Qatar and Kuwait (4th May 2019)

Historical Relations between Qatar and Kuwait (4th May 2019)

The Historical Relations between Qatar and Kuwait: Scientific and Social Aspects as an Example was the title of a lecture given by Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Owaid in a symposium organized by the center.  Al-Owaid reviewed the strong social relations between both countries; and how the Archaeological School in Qatar had helped in the early twentieth century in graduating a number of Kuwaiti students. A number of Kuwaiti young learners have joined the school and then returned home to be the pioneers of scientific, cultural and educational progress. He stated that many Qatari families have cousins in Kuwait, and so is the case for Kuwaiti families. He pointed out that Qatar was a station for the migration of Utbis who started from Najd to settle for a while in Zubarah and then moved to live in Kuwait. He made mention of Sheikh Ahmed Bin Mohammed Bin Hussein Bin Rizk; the very rich merchant who had a great position not only in Qatar but also in the Gulf and the region as a whole. He explained that all the families, tribes and subdivisions whether in Kuwait or in Qatar are Arabs in origin. They came from Najd, and some came from Hejaz. All knows that the all Arabs originated from Yemen, whence the first migration wave began after the collapse of Marib Dam. Thus Arabs spread in the Arabian peninsula east and north as far as Iraq and Egypt. The symposium was moderated by Dr. Khalid Bin Ghanim Al-Ali.

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The Six Civilizations on the Banks of the Arabian Gulf (Feb. 2019)

The Six Civilizations on the Banks of the Arabian Gulf (Feb. 2019)

 In a symposium organized by the center, Dr. Khazal Al-Majidi, Professor of Religions and Ancient Civilizations, gave a lecture about the six ancient civilizations on the banks of the Arabian Gulf: Dilmun, Umm al-Nar, Magan, Anshan, Arta and Mlukha. He reviewed the relation between the civilizations of both coasts and their influence on and by the cultural environment. He mentioned the naming of the Arabian Gulf in the past: Sea of the Land of God, Sea of Great Rising, Lower Sea, the Bitter River, Kaldu Sea, Persia Sea, Gulf of Iraq, Gulf of Basra, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Bahrain, Gulf of Qatif and Arabian Gulf. He then moved on to talk about the phases of the prevalence of the Mesopotamian civilization on the eastern and western coasts of the Gulf, the image of Dilmun in the Sumerian mythology, and the status of Dilmun for the Sumerians, the phases of the culture of Dilmun and tombs, arts, architecture and stamps in Dilmun. He then talked about the settlements, graveyards, heritage, and antiquities of the civilization of Umm al-Nar, clarifying its Ubaidian roots. After that, he talked about the Magan civilization (the region of copper) demonstrating to what extent it was influenced by the culture of Umm al-Nar.

 Al-Majidi then dealt with the civilizations of the eastern coast of the Arabian Gulf. He pointed out that Elam is the oldest civilization in the extreme southwest of modern-day Iran. It was a part of the Chalcolithic period. He indicated that Anshan civilization, located also southwest of Iran, was one of the early Elamite capitals. He discussed also the archaeological culture of Jiroft- dating back to the Bronze Age; about the third millennium BC- which was inherited later by the gold- and silver-rich civilization of Arta. He then moved on to discuss the civilization of Marhasi-dating back to the third millennium BC- that lies to the east of Elam in the Iranian Plateau.

 In the third part of his lecture, he talked about the relations of the cultures of the two coasts of the Arabian Gulf with one another and as being a commercial intermediate between the Mesopotamian and the Sindhi cultures. He reviewed the Sindhi culture of Mlukha and its relations with Magan and Dilmun. The moderator for the symposium was Prof. Jamal Hajar, the former dean of college of Arts at Alexandria University.



Qatar in the Documents of the International Archives (Dec. 2018)

Qatar in the Documents of the International Archives (Dec. 2018)

In the light of celebrating Qatar’s National Day, the center organized a seminar entitled Qatar in the Documents of International Archives, where the importance of archives for writing the history of Qatar was discussed. Dr. Jamal Hajar, professor of modern and contemporary heritage, discussed Qatar in the Documents of British Archives; he defined document and its types. He clarified that Man used recording in order to retain the information, ideas and previous experiences that exceed the capacity of the natural memory, and defined archives as the non-current documents that are kept for their lasting value. He pointed out that types of archiving vary from documents, records and archival units. He said that the British Archives contain documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colonial Office and Ministry of Aviation, documents of the Council of Ministers and documents of the Indian Office. He indicated that he began to deal with archives since the mid-seventies of the twentieth century making use of its documents in writing the history of the Arabian Gulf and Arabia, as the documents of the Indian Office include significant documents about the history of Qatar until 1947; when India gained its independence. The British Residency in the Gulf and its agencies used to send their letters and reports to the Indian Office, not to mention that documents oft of India Office and its departments are considered the most important documents in the British Archives for writing the history of Qatar.

Dr. Aly Afify Aly Ghazi, researcher of modern and contemporary history, reviewed the importance of the Egyptian Archives for writing the history of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf during the first half of the nineteenth century.  He made it clear that the history of Qatar in that early historical period (the period of formation) cannot be separated from its geographical context. He mentioned that he had worked on this archive for eight years in order to prepare his Master thesis. In the beginning, he highlighted the significance of documents for historians. He stressed   the importance of the documents of Muhammad Ali Pasha, which are kept at the Egyptian National Archives in Cairo, for the writing of the history of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf, for he established the Public Archives in 1828 because of his interest in documents. These have received the attention of his successors. He pointed out that the archival units (Bahir Barra, Saniyya,   Divan El Jihadia, Khedive Divan, Governor of Abdeen, Governor of Al-Sham, Governor of Hejaz, Governor: miscellaneous) contain many documents related to the history of Qatar in that early historical period. He added that efforts should be made by researches to shed light on these units. He referred to a number of persons who applied themselves to studying the Egyptian Archives and who defined and published collections of their contents.  

Dr. Sahibe Aam Nadwi, a researcher specialized in the history of India, talked about the endeavor made by Hassan Bin Mohamed Center for Historical Studies to obtain documents related to Qatar from the Indian archives. He reviewed the Archives in the States of Delhi, Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Kerala and others. He also gave information about some of the archival units related to Qatar and Arabian Gulf States in those archives, pointing out to the difficulties he had faced in searching for documents in the archives like Public Records, Oriental Records, and rare manuscripts written in Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit and Balinese languages. These contain files entitled  Qatar: Political, Economic and Security Affairs ,  Qatar Relations with Neighboring States ,  Status of Indian Traders in Qatar ,  Status of Arab Tribes in Qatar , Attitude of Sheikh Jassim towards Ottoman authorities in Qatar  ,  Attitude of Great Britain  towards Sheikh Jassim  and so forth.

Mr. Mohammed Hammam Fekri, the general-supervisor of Hassan Bin Mohamed Center for Historical Studies, gave information about the importance of the Ottoman archives for writing the history of Qatar. He reviewed samples of those documents, particularly the incident of Qatar. He stressed that those documents, especially those related to the period from 1871 to 1913, cover many multiple aspects of the history of Qatar and illustrate the occurrences between Sheik Jassim and the Ottoman administration. He said that those documents spread in conservation units under the titles: papers of the Grand Vizierate, Kalam Mu’ahadat, Qalam Maktubi Al Sadara and Sultani Iradis. He concluded with refereeing to research works based on the documents of the Ottoman archives such as  Qatar under the Ottoman era  by zekeriya kurşun,  the Ottoman Gulf  by Frederick Anscombe and others.

At the end of the seminar, lectures gave been honored by Award certificates. The journalists  Said Dahri  head of the cultural department at Al- Arab Newspaper,  Abdul Ghani Bu Durra  and Abdul Fattah Maghawry from Qatar News Agency,  Mohamed Al-Rabia  from the cultural department in Al-Watan Newspaper and  Taha Abdul Rahman  from the cultural department in Al-Sharq Newspaper.


Issue Number Six of Rewaq of History and Heritage (June 2018)

Issue Number Six of Rewaq of History and Heritage (June 2018)

This center has published its sixth issue. It includes the research of Dr. Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld, professor and founder of Islamic Studies Program at Leiden University in Netherlands. The researcher discusses the  Tomb of the Prophet Muhammad  (peace be upon him). as a main Islamic symbol from two different perspectives.  He starts with discussing the image as it was circulated in middle ages and during colonial times, and then in light of the early Islamic and contemporary Salafi sources.

Dr. Yousef Mohammed Abdullah, professor of Archaeology and Ancient Languages, and Dr. Sami Sharaf Mohammed Al Shehab, specialist in the General Organization of Antiquities and Museums in Sana’a in Yemen, examine  Temple of Almaqah Ba al Awa el (Mahram Bilqis in Ma’rib): a Study of New Archaeological Finds  through the discoveries of by a mission from the German Archaeological Institute in 1996, through the American Anthropological Association in 2005 and through their practical researches.

In his research entitled  History of the Present Times in Morocco: Context and Problematic Issues , Dr. Abdul Rahim Hassnawi, the researcher in Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences at Mohammed V University in Rabat in Morocco, highlights the historical context that illustrates the emergence of interest in present times and its writings in Morocco.

In his research entitled  British Visions of the Administration of Middle East Affairs 1920-1921 , Dr. Ahmed Galal Bassiouni, assistant professor of Modern and Contemporary History at Damanhur and Qatar Universities, reviews three projects that provide British visions of the administration of Middle East affairs following First World War. These projects submitted by Ormsby Gore, Herbert Samuel and Hubert Young.

Dr. Marwa Adel Ibrahim Abdel Gawad, professor of Islamic Antiquities in Faculty of Archaeology at Fayoum University, handles the  Mosque and School of Sultan Hassan in Cairo , on the light of drawings of some Egyptian Orientalists in the 13th Century AH/ 19th Century AD. However, the researcher will rely in his study on two painters: Pascal Coast and David Roberts because of the significance of their paintings in conforming to Realism and paying attention to the smallest details.

Dr. Mahmoud Ali Mohsen Al-Salmi, associate professor of Modern and Contemporary History at Aden University discusses the  Role of Position and Location in the History of Yemen . He clarifies both passive and positive influences of the geographical location on the history of Yemen.

Dr. Radwa Zaki, researcher in the Center of Writing and Script Studies in Alexandria Library, describes the  Islamic Cairo in the early 18th Century based on memories of the French Consul Benoît de Maillet , as these memories were the earliest French writings about Islamic Architecture and its patterns, elements and arts. She depicts Cairo in a clear picture including items of architecture, art and the Egyptian customs and traditions.


The Center contributes its publications to the 29th Doha International Book Fair (Dec. 2018)

The Center contributes its publications to the 29th Doha International Book Fair (Dec. 2018)

The center participated in Doha International Book Fair in its 29th edition from 29th of November to the 8th of December entitled Doha A City of Knowledge and Conscience.

The center made its publications available in Lusail Publishing and Distribution in Qatar so that they may be available to visitors.


The Center Receives Director of Rosa House for Publishing (May 2018)

The Center Receives Director of Rosa House for Publishing (May 2018)

The center received the writer Aisha Jassim Al Kuwari, director of Rosa House for Publishing, Printing and Distribution. The meeting was attended by the authors Issa Abdullah, Azza Al-Ali and Shaikha Al-Zyara and the artists Khawla Al Mannai and Mohammed Ali Abdullah, where avenues of cooperation between the center and the house, especially in terms of providing sources for historical writings or those that derive their material from historical events, were discussed during the meeting.   


Qatar and the Gulf Region in Documents of the Russian Archives (April 2018)

Qatar and the Gulf Region in Documents of the Russian Archives (April 2018)

        As part of the events of Russian-Qatari cultural year (2018), and in cooperation with Qatar Authors’ Forum, the center organized a seminar, in which the Russian author  Sergei Plekhanov  delivered a lecture entitled  Russian-Qatari Relations...Documents from Russian Archives . He mentioned that the Russian presence in Arabian Gulf preceded the Portuguese and British presence there. He explained that the first Russian to arrive at Arabian Gulf was a merchant named  Avinashi Nikitin ; and that there might had been other persons who reached this area, but  Nikitin  was the first to describe his trips. He visited  Hormuz  and  Bandar Abbas  thirty years prior to the arrival of the ships of Vasco da Gama to the Indian Ocean. I do not know whether  Nikitin’ s   documents were translated into Arabic, but if not, it is right to build on them in order to provide Russian sources about the region.

        No doubt that the bulk of important information about the history of Qatar can be found in the archives of British and Ottoman Empires. However, Russian sources also can enrich our knowledge of the era of establishing the State of Qatar because Russians have been rivals to the British and the Turks in their struggle for influence in the region.  The most dramatic period in the history of struggle between St. Petersburg and London was called  A Great Game . Persia was the main area of rivalry, for it was seen as an atrium on the way to India. The Gulf, whether Persian or Arabian, had no less strategic significance; it was the place through which transport routes passed. It was also the focal point that connected the colony with the metropolitan country. London was getting concerned whenever a foreign warship appeared in the basin of that ocean. In the early twentieth century, a regular steamship line was established between Odessa and Basra by Russia. This line was considered as the first constant presence of a European State in a region Britain wanted to dominate. Russia had begun to open consulates along the shores of the Gulf. This suggested that the information received in St. Petersburg did not depend anymore on British and Turkish sources. Hence, documents of the archives of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the General Staff, of the Navy and others might help in developing a different view about the events that took place in the 19th and early 20th centuries in the region.   The configuration and name of the Russian archives were changed more than once. They were displaced with the capital was moved to Moscow, and they were evacuated during the World War II. For this reason, these archives suffered lack of stability, and many became inaccessible. On the other hand, many records, which were secret before, became thanks to revolutions accessible to researchers quicker than in other countries. The matter, first of all, concerned the documents of the Soviet period.

        One who is interested in international relations in the Middle East, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula, may study the archives of bodies like the Comintern (Communist International; it existed until 1943) and the foreign department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (existed until 1991).

        Some materials about Qatar could also be found in the archives of the Russian Embassy in Istanbul and in the consulates of Baghdad and Basra. It is likely that some interesting material may be traced in Tehran Embassy and in the Consulates of Isfahan, Busher and Bander Abbas.

        It is especially interesting for researchers to get acquainted with materials of the Soviet period that was marked by Marxist ideology. Those materials give an alternative view about many events compared with the western reading of them. Although those writings have become mere historical artifacts, they help in understanding the reasons of political rivalry during the Cold War decades.

        A number of specialists of different specializations must work together to produce such an edition. In the first place, they are those who can dedicate time and are capable to work in the archives and specialized libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as in the Institutes of Oriental Studies and Oriental Scripts.


The center participates in a Book Fair Organized by Qatar University Library (April 2018)

The center participates in a Book Fair Organized by Qatar University Library (April 2018)

The center participated in a book fair organized by Qatar University Library, as part of its celebration of the World Book Day, from 22 to 26 April 2018. The participation of the center falls under its desire to diffuse knowledge about Qatar history, where the center contributed its issues so that they might be available for students and professors.


The Center Hosts Sawabeh Fikr Television Program (April 2018)

The Center Hosts Sawabeh Fikr Television Program (April 2018)

The Poet  Ahmed Zkiba , director of publications and publishing at the Ministry of Culture and Sports, was hosted by the center to record a segment of  Sawabeh Fikr Television Program , where he talked about poetry and its meaning, content, language and expressions, and about the course of progress of literature. He touched on the distinction of Qatar in poetry since the dawn of history; since it was visited by Abu Al-Ala'a Al-Hadrami. He attributed that prominence to the openness of Qatar to ancient civilizations. At the time of the Abbasid Caliphate, for instance, Qatar was surrounded by a number of grammarians, linguists and masters of poetry like Al-Kisa'i at Kufa, Sibawayh at Shiraz, and Al-Farahidi who had lived to the east of Qatar. Those linguists and men of letters passed through Qatar making it a source of knowledge. He turned to talk about A bout H. H. Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, founder of the modern State of Qatar, who was himself a poet, was interested in knowledge, scientists and men of letters, and who had printed many books at his own expense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACaMY_5iTtc&t=22s


Records of the Ruling Family in Qatar as a Historical Source (April 2018)

Records of the Ruling Family in Qatar as a Historical Source (April 2018)

        In the presence of H. H. Salah bin Ghanim Al Ali, Minister of Culture and Sports, the center organized a symposium, where Dr. Sheikh Khalid bin Mohamed bin Ghanim Al Thani gave a lecture entitled “Personal Records as a Source of Writing History: Records of the Ruling Family in Qatar as an Example”. He asserted that personal records are of great importance as a historical source for events, especially as writing them was not intended for publication. Furthermore, the writer was an eyewitness of and a contemporary with events; sometimes he was part of or played role in them. Therefore, these records give idea about the most important events from the writer’s point of view and provide us with unique information about social, cultural and political environment. They also provide a general view of methods of writing and the vocabularies that were used at the era of the writer. The lecturer pointed out that Gulf people wrote many records, but writing was rarely done by the ruler or members of the ruling family. This fact makes the records of the ruling family in Qatar a unique source. Many personal records, written by scholars and notables of Qatar, were maintained through history, like the records of Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul-Aziz Al Mana, Mulla Salih Jabir, Hassan bin Mohamed Al Jabir and the poet Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Khulaifi. The records of the ruling family in Qatar include the records of Sheikh Jassim bin Mohamed Al Thani (65 records), Sheikh Mohamed bin Jassim Al Thani (184 records), Sheikh Abdul-Aziz bin Jassim Al Thani and Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani (30 records). The topics of those records ranged from dates of birth and death, to travels and roaming, to political events like battles and others, to private occasions like marriage, circumcision, planting and construction, to natural events like floods and locust infestation and to economic affairs like markets, wages...etc. 


Role of the Center in Raising Information Literacy (March 2018)

Role of the Center in Raising Information Literacy (March 2018)

Mr. Mohammed Hammad Fekri, the supervisor-general of the center, participated in the third forum for specialists of libraries and information, under the heading  Libraries in Qatar and their Role in Supporting Qatar National Vision 2030. He reviewd the role of the center in raising information literacy and the efforts to collect and make available the sources of the history of Qatar and the Arab Gulf; documents, manuscripts, periodicals, publicahions, photographs, maps, newspapers and other. He also touched on the efforts of the center to prepare and publish historical and cultural studies and researches and to issue a biannual refereed scientific magazine. Mr. Hammam emphasized that the center provide scientific consultations for many State actors in Qatar, as a specialized think tank, like Ministry of Culture, National Day celebrations organizing committee. He also explained the importance of the specialized library of the center in making soruces of knowledge available to researchers and those who are interested in history. He pointed out that the role played by the center, the consultations it provides and the books and periodicals it issues represent a credible source of knowledge that seeks human and cultural development, thorugh raisning information literacy among the Qataris and residents of Qatar, according to the vision of the well-beloved Emir of the country H.H. Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani that aims at developing Qatari people to be able to effectively participate in the social, political and economic life of the country in order to achieve Qatar National Vision 2030.


The Center participates with its publications in the Frankfurt International Book Fair (Oct. 2017)

The Center participates with its publications in the Frankfurt International Book Fair (Oct. 2017)

The Frankfort International Book fair is considered the largest and most important book fair in the world. The Center had opportunity to participate through its publications in the 64th Frankfurt International Book Fair on 11-15 th October, 2017, with the book stall organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports in order to promote intellectual progression between Qatar and Germany and to enhance the exchange of knowledge and information. It was also the occasion of Qatar Germany Year of Culture


The Arabic Translation of “Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government” (Nov. 2017)

The Arabic Translation of “Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government” (Nov. 2017)

The center issued the first Arabic translation of the book “Selections from the Records of Bombay Government”. It consists of economic, social, historical and cadastral geographical reports about Persian Gulf and Eastern Arabia until 1856, when the book was printed for the first time. These reports were written by Political Residents and British Agents who were interested in making concise and condensed reports on the region and its political, geographical, social and economic conditions. They also made reports contain historical information about the tribes, regions, cities and Sheikdoms, in addition to cadastral reports that deals with ports and the relations of the British East India Company, Government of India and Government of London with the tribes of the region. They made reports on slave trade and on copies of treaties with Imam of Muscat and the Arabian Coast sheiks as well.


The Center Participated in the 28th Doha International Book Fair (Nov. 2017)

The Center Participated in the 28th Doha International Book Fair (Nov. 2017)

            The center participated in Doha International Book Fair, at its 28th session from 29th November to 5th December, entitled “An Aware Society”. This session was marked by the participation of publishing houses representing many countries and by the largest number of visitors, which exceeded one million. The center exhibited its issues, the last of which was “Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government. This book consists of reports written by the Resident and Political Agents on the Persian Gulf until 1856, when the book was printed for the first time. The works “Sabayek al-Asjad”, “Majmo’a al-Fadail”, “Al-Jabr Al-Hisabi” and “Al-Hajj min Qatar Qadiman” were among the exhibited publications, in addition to the issues of Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine.


The fifth issue of the Journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage" (Jan. 2018)

The fifth issue of the Journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage" (Jan. 2018)

          Dr. Taha Hussein Hadeel discusses the role of Physicians of Yemen in developing the Medical Sciences from the seventh century to the tenth century of Hegira. He also touches on their studies and writings that contributed to developing this field of applied sciences and on the role of Yemeni Rulers in encouraging them.

          Dr. Mohamed El Shorbagy discusses the history of the family of Ibn al-Ja'yan; one of the most significant families that played a major role in the history of Egypt during the Mamluk period, where he analyzes its role in conducting the affairs of the state administration, especially the Department of Army (dīwān al-jaish).

          Dr. Mubarak Abu Assab deals with the artistic foundations in the documents and correspondence of Sultans of Morocco. In so doing, he analyzes the use of calligraphy, gilding, adornment and calligraphic monogram: seals and signatures of sultans as artistic elements.

          Dr. Mahmoud Khalaf introduces the travels of the Transoxanian scholars; Hanafis, Malikis, Shafi’is and Hanbalis, who travelled to Egypt. He introduces their most significant sheiks and students; some of their sayings, important writings and efforts in promoting scientific and cultural trips to Egypt.

Professor Muhsin al-Musawi introduces in his research paper the concepts of Islamic History, Modern History and theories of narratives.

          Dr. Penelope Tuson reviews historical sources about women of the Gulf and Arabia preserved in the British Archival Documents and Collections which is considered a main source for the history of the Gulf.

Dr. Jan P. Hogendijk examines the history of Mathematics and Astronomy in the Islamic ages until the Seventeenth century AD, where he reviews three instruments that show the direction of the Ka'bah in Mecca.


The Center paid a visit to Qatar National Library (Nov. 2017)

The Center paid a visit to Qatar National Library (Nov. 2017)

The center's research fellows and staffs recently have visited the Qatar National library which is a part of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. They got chance to get information about the services provided by the library as well as they acquainted with its fine books, rare collections, manuscripts and archival documents and Collections, which exceed one and a half million titles most of them are related to Qatar and its history. They had also opportunity to explore library's heritage and rare collections which foundation was laid by Sheikh Hassan bin Muhammad al-Thani. This collection includes a number of rare and very valuable manuscripts, rare publications, and historical maps etc. in Arabic and other foreign languages.


The fourth issue of "The Journal of History & Heritage" (June 2017)

The fourth issue of "The Journal of History & Heritage" (June 2017)

This issue contains a number of research studies in the field of history and Islamic legacy.

Canadian archaeologist Anita Bordet analyzes the British Naval Archives under the title:"Assessment of the official Records of the Gulf, the Arabian Sea & the Red Sea 1798-1960". The main purpose of this paper is to find out the differences between archival collections preserved in the British Navy Archives, in order to observe those occurrences happened in the region during the period under review.

German professor Albrist Voss & Egyptian research fellow Ahmed Sheer tried to obtain the answers to the questions "How the legend of the priest John influenced the conflict between Muslims and Christians and its effects on the East and the West?" in their research paper under the title "The conflict between Christians and Muslims between fact and myth".

Egyptian professor Ahmed Fuad Pasha in his research paper "Methodology for dealing with Islamic legacy in the history of civilization", discusses the ability of Islamic legacy to give birth to a new civilization if it is to be dealt with rational principles and methodologies which can recognize the imperative need of its revivalin the light of current facts and future expectations.

Turkish professor Zakaria Korshon provides some important evidences in his paper titled "Is the map of Tigris and Euphrates rivers illustrated and sketched by Olia Chalabi", through a careful comparative study of the map and the contents of Olia Chalabi's Travel Account. He tried to prove that the map was illustrated either by his hand or by someone else under his supervision.

Dr. Hilmi reviews in his paper the most famous naval ships used in the Arabian Gulf and its naval activities during the 18th and 19th centuries. He also tried to define its types, nationalities and descriptions.

In his paper "Islam and Muslims in the Western imagination", Dr. Hatem El-Tahawy examines the set of methods to avoid the hostile observations of Europe towards Islam and Muslims by providing positive stories about Islam and Muslims narrated by two illiterate European prisoner of war.



Exclusive interview with General Editor-in-Chief on Doha TV program (March 2016)

Exclusive interview with General Editor-in-Chief on Doha TV program (March 2016)

Mr. Mohammed Hammam Fekri, editorial supervisor of Rewaq Magazine was hosted by a TV program "Doha this evening", which is broadcasted from Qatar. He talked in that program about the tendencies and aims of the magazine pointing out that it is a scholarly journal. Moreover, he described that the main objective of this journal to provide and promote new source of information in the cultural and intellectual life of Arab, especially in a time when the huge number of information available through multiple sources. In this environment this magazine has been launched outside the walls of university to address the ordinary readers in order to open intellectual dialogue among different segments of society and to be an intellectual network between scholars and intellectuals. He pointed out that the magazine is published quarterly and all published materials subject to peer review in accordance with international quality standards.


Doha International Book Fair (2016)

Doha International Book Fair (2016)

The center participated in the 27th Doha International Book Fair by exhibiting a number of issues of its publications, where focus was on exhibiting the magazine “Rewaq of History and Heritage”. The Managing Editor of “Rewaq oh History and Heritage”, Dr. Ali Afify Aly Ghazi introduced visitors of the fair to the contents of the magazine, its method in publishing and refereeing and its conditions of publishing.


The Center Participates in the Activities of “A Flower Each Spring” Program (Jan. 2018)

The Center Participates in the Activities of “A Flower Each Spring” Program (Jan. 2018)

Under the auspices of HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, the center participated in the activities of “A Flower Each Spring” Program for the year 2018, which celebrates this year the “Helianthemum” flower; one of the native plants of Qatar. This participation comes within the framework of concluding the program’s twentieth edition because it listed the plant number twenty in its history, in order to highlight the local flora in Qatar and the State’s efforts in maintaining the biotic and environmental diversity, in increasing the awareness of people about the significance of Vegetation in protecting environment from degradation and desertification and  giving aspects of joy and beauty to environment, in introducing the medical and economic benefits of plants, in promoting the proper use of them, in guiding the youth to have positive behavior towards natural environment and in developing innovative and creative capabilities in fields of development of environment.  


Structure of the economic system of the Abbasid Caliphate (May 2017)

Structure of the economic system of the Abbasid Caliphate (May 2017)

The Center organized a seminar in which Dr. Omar Maan al-Ali, lecturer at the faculty of Arts, delivered a lecture on "The Structure of the economic system of the Abbasid Caliphate". He discussed a number of topics related to the economy and trade system during the period under review. He began his lecture by a recapitulation of the history of agricultural sector and its positions during the Abbasid era and introduced the nature of ownership of private agricultural lands, for instance, agricultural land considered to be Kharāj land, and the Usher land upon whose fruits one tenth is due as Zakah. Moreover, he made a comparison between Kheraji and Usher lands. He also explained the conditions of arid land (mewat land) and the lands owned by the Ummah or the Public treasury (Bait-ul-Maal) in other words the lands belongs to the Caliph and the State. In his final talks about the land types he reviewed the importance of the waqf lands and feudalism system and the condition of big land lords. He also discussed the monetary system during the Abbasid era and pointed out that the Abbasid Caliphate introduced a number of dinar and dirham which were inscribed with simple Kufi style of writing. According to his research the weight of the Umayyad dirham ranged from 2.22 to 4.28 grams, while the weight of the Dinars fluctuated between 4.22 to 4.28 grams. The names of caliphs as well as the names of crown princess, ministers and commanders were inscribed on dirham and dinar. He also shed lights on the economic system of the Abbasid state saying that they were familiar with bills of exchange as well as Bayt al-mal system which has a number of functions but initially it served as a royal treasury for the caliphs and managing personal finances and government expenditures. According to him there was also a special kind of treasury house which served the group of interests who had been investing their whole or partial funds in banking activities such as borrowing and lending loans debts etc. He also talked about the trade activities during Abbasid period and reviewed the Baghdad market as an example. He tackled on circulated commodities and stuffs in the market places pointing out the measures system in the markets and trade relations between Baghdad and other countries such as China, India and Sind across the Arabian Gulf discussing the import and export system between those countries. In his conclusion he talked about the home industrial activities and position of the local craftsmen and their relations with the government's administration. He concluded that the Abbasid Caliphate was known for its unique and developed economic networks which the previous states were not familiar with especially in financial matters and banking services that were being run by a high level of political and economic management.


The Center participates in the first national book fair at Al Khor, Qatar (April 2017)

The Center participates in the first national book fair at Al Khor, Qatar (April 2017)

The Center has participated in the first national book fair which was organized in Al Khor, Qatar, during 25-29 April (2017). The center participated with its own stall to exhibit all publishing activities of its books especially its peer reviewed journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage”,  and new publication such as "Noor al-Dalalah …Al-Jabr Al-Hisabi fi Al-Qarn Al-Thalith Ashar" by Al-Khilati, " Māhiyat al-Athar al-Ladhī Yabdū 'Alā Wajh al-Qamar" by Ibn al-Haytham, "Maqālat Fī al-Niqirs" by Abū Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī, and "The Hajj from Qatar… pleasant memories".


Publication of the new issue of the "Arab Museums Magazine" with the support of the Center (June 2017)

Publication of the new issue of the "Arab Museums Magazine" with the support of the Center (June 2017)

Within the framework of cooperation between the Center and the Arab Organization of Museums (IACOM), the new issue of the magazine of Arab has been published. The issue was opened by the orientalist Dahmali, Secretary General of the Arab Organization of Museums, the editor-in-chief of the magazine " Arab cultural heritage between unity and diversity". The exhibition included a number of research papers. Dr. Khaled Azab discussed the future vision of heritage and museums and Ossama Abdel-Warth talked about the role of museum in civilization and sustainable development. Saleh Falah tackled on the issue of establishment of museums. Dr. Ammar Abdel Rahman talked about the position of Syrian museums during the current crisis: The museum of the Open University is an example". Dr. Muhammed Said al-Murtaji discussed museums and the method of presentation & exhibition, while Dr. Lakhdar Salim Qaboub shed light on special kind of museums: Currency Museum as a model. Asma Hassan explained the facilities and materials for guidance in museums. Mohammed Riad khamiri talked about The National Museum of Iraq and it's influenced on society in the city of Samarra. On that occasion the opening speech of the Arab ICOM conference has been published, which held in Tunisia on 26-27 April 2016 under the title "What role for the Arab (IACOM) in supporting the ICOM International Observatory for the protection of cultural heritage? Sheikh Hasaan bin Mohammed al-Thani heads the organization for two consecutive sessions. 


The third issue of the Journal of History and Heritage (Jan. 2017)

The third issue of the Journal of History and Heritage (Jan. 2017)

In his research titled “Sylvester II, the Christian Pope who first brought Arab-Muslim science into Europe”, Michael Morgan defined the role of Pope Sylvester II, as being the first influential European to transfer Arab-Muslim science to Europe. Dr. Mubarak bu Asab, dedicates his research titled: “Study the Weapon Technology in “Al-Saadi” era, in the light of the Arabic manuscript: “Izz wa-al-manāfiʻ lil-mujāhidīn fī sabīl Allāh bi-ālāt al-ḥurūb wa-al-madāfi”.  Dr. Nasir Ibrahim, presents his research under the title: “The Inclusive Society and Culture in Egypt”: a historical Study in the light of letters of Mamluk rulers”. Dr. Sahib El-Nadwi, reviews, in his research paper, the Contributions of Indian scholars in writing the biographies of the Companions of Prophet Mohammed, and their efforts in propagating Islam and Islamic culture in India through the book:"al-Iqd Al-Thameen fi Futuhul al hind…" written by Athar Mubarakpuri. Dr. Salma Ismail, introduces in her research the significance of folklore in reviewing the Islamic History. Dr. Mustafa Wajih, affirms in his research titled: “The role of bread in social movement in Egypt at the Time of the Mamluk Sultans (1250-1517)” that the most popular uprisings in Egypt, at the time of the Mamluk Sultans, has occurred for two reasons: Religion and Food. Dr. Hassan Khalil tackles legacies and inheritances during the Ottoman era in the light of Ottoman archival documents.


Seminar on the presence of Indian communities in GCC countries during the British rule (Feb. 2017)

Seminar on the presence of Indian communities in GCC countries during the British rule (Feb. 2017)

The Center organized a history seminar titled "Introduction of some Indian trading communities and their presence in the GCC countries during the British rule". Dr. Sahibe Alam Azami Nadwai delivered the lecture and introduced the origins of some Indian communities which have been mentioned in the Arabic sources during Islamic period, as well as in the archival British documents related to trade activities in the Gulf. He shed lights on those Indian communities which played a crucial role in the international trade such as Banyans, Khojas, Bohras and Memons who belong to Islamic sects. These Indian communities established a thriving trade network between the littorals of Gujarat and Sind as well as between the southern Indian coastal regions; the Arabian Gulf States, Zanzibar and East African regions and therefore they secured a prime position among the mercantile communities of these commercial coastal areas. He looked into the origins of these Indian communities pointing out that many Arabic sources and Archival documents use the word "Banyans" to mean the all Indian traders without distinguishing between other Indian Muslim communities though the term " Banyans" refers to a certain class of Hindu social group in India. And due to the limited use of the term " Banyans" to the whole Indian traders in the Archival documents and Arabic sources, it is, therefore, understood that all Indian traders and merchants were belonging to this Hindu social group, but the fact is that the other Hindu and Muslim communities also had significant contribution to the trade activities in GCC countries during the age of sail. He concluded his lecture by saying that it is, therefore, necessary to look into the origins of these Indian trading communities as well as to review of their relationship with other Arab trading communities which had settled in the main Indian trading cities in that time. 


First International Conference of Arab-Muslim History of Applied & Medical Sciences (May 2017)

First International Conference of Arab-Muslim History of Applied & Medical Sciences (May 2017)

Dr. Sahibe Alam Azami Nadwi, research fellow at the Center, participated in the first international conference of Arab-Muslim history of applied and medical sciences.  The conference was held under the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Sciences at the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh on 2-4 May 2017. The researcher presented his paper under the title:"The contribution of Indian and Arab scholars to the development of medicine and pharmacy sciences during Islamic period."


Fourth Annual Conference of Historical Studies (April 2017)

Fourth Annual Conference of Historical Studies (April 2017)

Dr. Sahibe Alam Azami Nadwi, research fellow at the Center, participated in the fourth annual conference of historical studies hosted by The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies under the title:"The Arabs, from Marj Dabiq to Sykes-Picot (1516-1916): the Transition from Sultanates to National States, in Beirut on April 21-22-2017. He had working paper titled:"Attitudes of Indian Muslims towards the pan-Islamist political movement and its influence on the Khilafat movement in India: a historical study in the light of Indian sources and British Archival documents".


The Fourth International Forum of Jerusalem Endowments "Awqaf

The Fourth International Forum of Jerusalem Endowments "Awqaf' (May 2017)

The fourth international forum on the Waqf of Jerusalem organized by the Turkish government under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his supervision on 8-10 May 2017 in Istanbul. The research fellow presented his paper under the titile: Attitudes of Indian Muslims towards Waqf of Jerusalem in Palestine and India: a historical study in the light of Indian sources and British archival documents".


Doha International Book Fair (Dec. 2015)

Doha International Book Fair (Dec. 2015)

The Center participated in the Doha International Book Fair in its 26th edition by presenting a number of publications. The focus was on the presentation of the magazine Riwaq: History and Heritage.
Dr. Ali Afifi Ali Ghazi, Editor-in-Chief of Riwaq Journal of History and Heritage, introduced the contents of the magazine, its publishing and arbitration curriculum, and the conditions of publishing it, as well as a simple explanation of the center's activities. For the activities of the seminar of the Makki Line in the first three centuries of migration organized by the Center.


Rewaq, History and Heritage”,  2nd Issue,  (June 2016)

Rewaq, History and Heritage”, 2nd Issue, (June 2016)

The second issue of Rewaq, History and Heritage has been published. This issue contains a number of scientific and historical research papers written by eminent scholars, which constitute new additions to the stock of knowledge.

          In his research titled "From Arabia to Silicon Valley" Michael Morgan, scholar of Islamic legacy, reviews the contributions of Arab and Islamic civilization to the human civilization through which the first thinkers formed a real image of the modern world.

Prof. Jamal Hajar, professor of modern & contemporary history at Alexandria University, presents an image of the intellectual meeting between the politician and the philosopher in his paper titled "peace talk between Bertrand Russell and Jamal Abdul Nasir 1962-1966".

Prof. Youssef Abdullah, professor of archaeology at Sana University, Yemen, reviews a number of literary imagery in the light of pre-Islamic archaeological examples in Arabia, exceeding the matter of doubt in pre-Islamic poetry.

In his research titled "Derkaouia Islamic school in Morocco from criticizing and opposing the Makhzen to rejecting and resisting the French occupation" Dr. Qasim Al-Hadk, research fellow at Sidi Muhammad Bin Abdullah University, Fez, presents an image of the modern political history of Morocco.

Prof. Jalal Zine El Abideen describes in his research titled "Political violence in Morocco post independence" a critical political period in the contemporary history of Morocco.

Prof. Ali al-Syed in his paper titled "Humphrey II: Constable of the Crusade Kingdom of Jerusalem" depicts a character that played a vital role in the foundation of a Christian feudal state in Jerusalem describing his military role in uniting the Christians in north Syria.


The first issue of “Rewaq of History and Heritage” (January, 2016)

The first issue of “Rewaq of History and Heritage” (January, 2016)

The first issue of “Rewaq of History and Heritage” (January, 2016)

     The Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies released the first issue of Rewaq of History and Heritage in the month of January 2015, after issuing its trial number before six months.

 This issue contains a number of research papers in the field of History and Islamic legacy. Professor Rushdi reviewed the position of Ibn al-Haytham and his contributions in Mathematics and Optics, and Professor Nasser Ahmed Suleiman wrote about “Seyahatname of Egypt (1673-1680): a Critical Reading of the Dimensions of Ottoman Discourse”.  In his article entitles “Kiswah and Drapes of Prophet’s Mosque and Chamber: Preliminary Study of their Origin, History and Artistic Patterns”, the researcher Mohammed bin Hussein Al-Mojan reviewed a documented historical account about the Kiswah and its development.  And in the field of Greek Literature, Professor Magda El-Nowieemy reviewed “The First Arabic Edition of Iliad by Homer” showing the peculiarity of translating this epic poetry and its determinants. Professor Lutfullah Qari in his article discussed about the historical sets of surgical instruments preserved in Museums of the world and the importance of introducing them”.  Professor Abdul-Aziz Abdul-Ghani Ibrahim presented his article titled "King Abdul Aziz: his Divan and Types of Najdi Traditions in the Book of “the Phoenix of Arabian Peninsula” as an eyewitness. Professor Maher Issa tried to find out the answer for: “Why Egyptians Turned to Arabic?” In the field of archival documents, Professor Penelope Tuson, a curator of archives and historian, wrote her article “Qatar and Arabian Gulf States in Documents of British Archives”.


The position of the journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage" in the database of Al Manhal (Dec. 2016)

The position of the journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage" in the database of Al Manhal (Dec. 2016)

Report October-December 2016)

The reading Statistics data of Al-Munhal electronic database for last three months (October-December 2016) brought out the circulation ratio of research papers published in the journal "Rewaq of History and Heritage" in the number of international universities located in China, India, America, Malaysia, Turkey, Sultanate of Oman, Egypt, U.A.E, Lebanon, Palestine, Qatar University Libraries and Qatar National Library etc.


Mekki Calligraphy during the First Three Centuries of Hegira is the Basis of Mawzon Calligraphies : a Seminar (November, 2015)

Mekki Calligraphy during the First Three Centuries of Hegira is the Basis of Mawzon Calligraphies : a Seminar (November, 2015)

              In a seminar organized by the center under the title “Mekki Calligraphy during the First Three Centuries of Hegira is the Basis of Mawzon Calligraphies”, the expert in Calligraphy, Manuscripts, Antiquities and Islamic Arts Mr. Youssef Thanon talked about the time when Arabic calligraphy began to spread in Mecca; the calligraphy that was named after it and called “Mekki Pen”, which means Mekki Calligraphy, where it came to be known at the beginnings of Arabic calligraphy that accompanied the revelation of Holy Quran, in addition to the calligraphies that prevailed during the first three centuries of Hegira, which started from Mecca at the time of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) under the name of “Mekki calligraphy” to be the first  Arabic calligraphy.  According to him the Mecci calligraphic style basically used for recording the Quran and used in two ways during the first and second centuries and it was developed over the span of many years and in different regions. He also discussed some calligraphy terms saying that they are need to be explained such as Kufic script, which name is used for a number of Islamic calligraphies but that are known to originated from Mekki. However, reality indicates that Kufa may have nothing to do with development of calligraphy. This naming arrived in the 7th century and beyond. It was given as a result of inaccurate information about the names of calligraphies in their various times; hence, it was given to this calligraphy that is called Kufic in our time. He also shed light on the recent discovery of a Quran manuscript which is known as the "The Birmingham Qur'an Manuscript". He talked about its calligraphic style comparing with the various Arabic calligraphic styles which were used in the Quran writing during the first three centuries and concluded that its dates don't go back to about first century After Hijrah.


The Design of Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine wins the platinum award (Oct. 2016)

The Design of Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine wins the platinum award (Oct. 2016)

Rewaq of History and Heritage Magazine won the platinum prize, best in category, at the conference of Creativity International Awards of 2016, in book and publication design. The Rewaq of History and heritage is a peer reviewed periodical journal published in Hassan Bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies. Its design was made by the New Zealand based designer Rehan Saiyed and his company Storm World Wide.

      More than 3500 entries were received from 40 countries, 2 Canadian Provinces and 25 US States. Only 3% made it to Platinum this year, Gold 4%, Silver 24% and Bronze 27%.

      It is worth mentioning that the platinum award, which was won by the magazine, is granted for one entry of the category; and Rewaq magazine was an undoubted winner among the judges to grab the Best in Category honor.

     It was mentioned in the Press Release of the Conference of Creativity International Awards that the winning entries will be showcased in the conferences and events of designing starting with Adobe Max in San Diego, California. Winners received 2 professionally designed certificates commemorating the winning entry with entry title and a Trophy. The winning entries have been featured on Website, and iPad App of Creativity International Awards.


The center publishes the first edited and revised version of the Noor al Dalalah Manuscript by Al-Khilati (July 2016)

The center publishes the first edited and revised version of the Noor al Dalalah Manuscript by Al-Khilati (July 2016)

The center has published the book “Noor al-Dalalah …Al-Jabr Al-Hisabi fi Al-Qarn Al-Thalith Ashar”. It is written by Al-Khilati and edited and revised by Dr. Rushdi Rashid. This is an instructive book in which the author has collected the most important findings in Algebraic and Arithmetic as well as its related areas. It also contains some results of the Number theory. The full name of author Fakhr al-Din Abdul Aziz bin Abdul-Jabbar al-Khilati (1197-1282), however, the title "Khilati" refers to his native city "Khilat" located in Persia. As for the editor of the book, Dr. Rushdi Rashid, he is currently working as honorary research director (distinct group) at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris. He held the position of director at the Center of History of Arab Sciences, middle Ages and Philosophy in Paris at the University of Denis Diderot. He has compiled about fifty books in English and French, among which six important books dedicated to the Mathematics, Optics and Astrology of Ibn al-Haytham. These books have been published in English, Arabic and French.


The Center enters into a partnership agreement with Al Manhal Company (July 2016)

The Center enters into a partnership agreement with Al Manhal Company (July 2016)

The Center has entered into partnership agreement with Al Manhal, an electronic distribution company which distributes the Center's publications electronically. Al-Manhal is an e-publishing company specializes in providing academic and scientific content published in the Middle East. It is considered the first and most advanced electronic database in the Arab courtiers in providing with academic and scientific Arabic content electronically. It is established to enable Arab universities, publishing houses and research institutions to achieve academic benefits with advanced program benefiting from distribution channels by its investors and partners.


The contribution of Hassan bin Muhammad Center in documenting the history of Qatar (May 2012)

The contribution of Hassan bin Muhammad Center in documenting the history of Qatar (May 2012)

In a seminar titled "The role of the Archives in writing of the History of Nations" organized by Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage on the 1st and 2nd of May 2012, Mr. Muhammad Hammam Fekri delivered a lecture under the title "Contributions in documenting the History of Qatar: Hassan bin Muhammad Center as an example". He explained the role of the center in documenting the history of Qatar and discussed in detail the projects undertaken by the center in examining the local and foreign historical sources, referring in the particular to the project of translating the British Archival documents into Arabic language.
